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Language Access and the Ontario Election: Your Guide to the Party Platforms

Updated: May 31, 2022

about the party platforms, who is supporting language access (and how they plan to do it), please feel free to read and share our language access platform guide below.

  • Mentions of the word "language" in the platform: 29

  • Language Access Strategy:

    • "We’ll also make it easier to choose a First Nations language class alongside more support for French learning. In fact, we’ll increase funding for language lessons of all kinds since knowing multiple languages is so important in our globally connected world".

    • "To ensure Francophones can access quality services in French no matter where they live, we’ll invest in better digital and remote solutions when bilingual staff are not available. In health care, we’ll create a more bilingual workforce and work with federal partners to increase the number of French-speaking international students who study in Ontario’s health care programs.

    • We’ll also consult with the Francophone community to develop a French-language health strategy focused on finding where the service gaps are. And we’ll identify other ways to enhance access to French language health services, including adding preferred language to Ontario health cards

  • Mentions of the word "language" in platform: 6

  • Language Access Strategy:

    • Improve the availability of supports and services in other languages, including French and Indigenous languages, and encourage service providers and programs to reflect the experiences and perspectives of the populations they serve

    • Equity through language access

      • Ensure that interpreters, translators, or multilingual written materials are available in publicly funded services. Improve awareness of their availability

      • Ensure all government announcements are signed in both ASL and LSQ.

      • Provide tools for nonprofits to have french language resources.

      • Create incentives to increase the number of french-speaking individuals in teachers college programs

  • Mentions of the word "language" in platform: 3

  • Language Access Strategy:

    • Ontario’s Francophone community is continuing to grow. The government is creating favourable conditions that will support the social, cultural and economic development of the Franco‐Ontarian community through the French Language Services Strategy and the Francophone Economic Development Strategy.

    • With the newly modernized French Language Services Act, the government will improve access to frontline services in French by designating more points of service

  • Mentions of the word "language" in platform: 26

  • Language Access Strategy:

An Ontario NDP government will prioritize and strengthen French language services, and work with the community to preserve Franco-Ontarian culture.

  • Long-term, home and community care that reflects cultural languages, food, practices: The Ontario NDP’s plan to transform long-term, home and community care includes ensuring our elders and seniors have access to care that is personal and familiar, with staff and practices that reflect their distinct cultures and languages. We’ll create culturally appropriate resources and training for home and community care programs

  • Create a language access strategy: We’ll consult affected communities to implement this provincewide strategy in our first mandate. We’ll promote awareness of existing language service options through a “language services available here” campaign and proclaim February 22 a Day of Language Access

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